The legislation also officially declares the station a national laboratory, a move intended to open the station more broadly to research and financing from outside agencies and businesses.
To make matters worse, harsh legislation seen in England and France as Marx points out declared these individuals to be vagabonds and rogues subject to the laws of the state.
The legislation "declares war on the investor protection system of our Federal and state securities laws," he wrote recently.
This legislation declares that certain firearms and firearms accessories manufactured, sold, and kept within the state of Montana are exempt from federal firearms laws, since they cannot be regulated as interstate commerce.
The papal legislation declared, in part:
However, since the legislation will still declare that rape is sexual intercourse without consent and since no comprehensive definition of this requirement will be provided, the law will appear far more protective than in fact it is.
This legislation would declare the right to life is vested in each human being beginning at the moment of fertilization.
In 1885, legislation, signed by Governor David B. Hill, declared that the land in the Adirondack Park and the Catskill Park was to be conserved and never put up for sale or lease.
The legislation proposed by 59 South Korean lawmakers would have declared the Gando Convention signed under Japanese rule to be "null and void".
This fatally flawed legislation declared herbs to be dietary supplements, which most assuredly they are not.