There is the whole difference between the mental constitution of the sexes, which no legislation will ever alter as long as the world lasts!
Baseline projections are used to gauge the extent to which proposed legislation, if enacted into law, would alter current spending and revenue levels.
Under provisions of the Budget Control Act, legislation originating from this Committee could directly alter the path of such spending, for example, by changing the caps.
The 1988 Education Reform Act and earlier legislation has altered entirely the political context in which history teaching operates.
The legislation alters the formula under which $6.5 billion dollars of private and government health insurance funds are disbursed to state hospitals.
Introduced in Parliament a week ago, the legislation would alter much of the state-run economy and into a market-oriented system.
The legislation would alter the City Charter, which currently requires Los Angeles to award its contracts to the lowest bidder.
I still fail to see how this legislation alters the situation so badly for you.
The most confusing situation is found on foreign airlines, and American legislation would not alter their rules, though it might influence them.
"The legislation does not alter the fact that agencies are consistently and persistently laggard in administering their programs."