They decide to create an infant, the title character (named after the god of the same name), who must bring back the three legendary weapons.
I've seen old reports that mention a legendary weapon whose construction was lost and forgotten.
In the case of items such as legendary weapons, they are viewable but unable to be equipped.
Then Memnon questioned me on the magical origins and properties of the legendary weapon.
They knew the Arkonides were said to possess legendary weapons but they had never before seen any of them in action.
One of these resources is a sacred object protected by his clan: a legendary weapon called the Odama.
Later, he hears about a set of legendary weapons, which he sets out to find.
As the title of the film suggests, a great variety of fights take place involving the "legendary weapons."
They were legendary weapons, for all that they were very real.
Redwallers crowded around the long table, eager to catch a glimpse of the legendary weapon.