Then late Monday afternoon Jun Takahashi put on his fall collection for Undercover in a legendary theater near the Place Pigalle.
It is a legendary theater.
He went on to run a legendary Communist Party-affiliated theatre in London (Unity Theatre) and staged the first productions of Brecht in the English language.
Gracie is currently shooting a feature documentary, called Chalky, about legendary British theatre and film impresario Michael White.
Martin was to write later: "We rang up the legendary theatre photographer Angus McBean, and bingo, he came round and did it there and then.
Parker Playhouse, a legendary theater now managed by the Broward Center's governing authority, PACA, this classic space is perfect for concerts, theatre, comedy and dance.
The following years he was part of the origibal ensemble at Strindberg's legendary theatre Intima teatern, where he performed in a number of the original stagings of Strindberg's plays (in smaller parts).
Since 1999 she has been the choreographer in residence and the heart of the resurrection of the legendary experimental theater Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz here, where she always fills the house.
This is the legendary theater where Aerosmith scored their first recording contract.
It's not for nothing that Moscow's legendary state-supported theaters have lengthy rehearsal schedules that budgets don't allow in the United States.