As the storyline develops, we learn of Majeh's past life in which he was a legendary swordsman and martial artist.
This is where the title King of Pa Chun first comes up, a legendary swordsman from 300 years before who rocked the martial arts world.
But the Samurai Shopper is no legendary swordsman.
He is a legendary swordsman and owns a powerful magical sword.
His last name comes from the legendary Japanese swordsman known as: Musashi Miyamoto.
Okada supposedly appeared as well in Kengo, a video game based on 9 legendary swordsmen.
His father was one of the legendary 7 swordsman of the Fire clan whom defeated the previous era of Roots clan's domination.
Ikira, a legendary swordsman who joins Jack on his quest as a teacher, and is a former Machina.
Giles was the first Warrior Prime, a legendary swordsman, but as he said, Owen had come a long way.