Tales constantly circulated about their legendary prowess.
If Marika expected the Sandtiger to perform with his legendary prowess, she was going to have to wait.
Then there was Max Demian's legendary physical prowess.
They added, after noting Têng's scholarship, that he would be "most fondly remembered, not for his numerous publications, but for his legendary culinary prowess.
He had decided that Petit's legendary prowess as a marchand d'art was the perfect complement to his own talents.
Along the way, he has navigated the stock market with legendary prowess and offered folksy guidelines for proper corporate governance.
He was said to be a knight of legendary prowess and followed the Earl of Mar to the wars in France.
The ability of the seijin to memorize things at a glance is a part of their legendary prowess.
Given your legendary prowess, I'd thought you would be a man of greater subtlety, Thufir Hawat.
The legendary musical prowess of Tansen surpasses all other legends in Indian music.