Tommy Flanagan, the legendary pianist, grew up in the 40's admiring him.
Studied with such legendary pianists as Maria Grinberg, Yakov Flier and Grigory Ginzburg.
In the piano trio with Ludwig Hoelscher and the legendary pianist Walter Gieseking, he gave a series of private concerts here.
He was already a legendary pianist whose singular repertory favored Bach, Mozart, late Beethoven and Liszt.
Kochanski's guiding reference in shaping his professional persona and name was the legendary Polish pianist, Ignace Ian Paderewski.
In 1990, Harri met Cecil Taylor in Berlin and has been involved in a large number of projects with the legendary pianist and composer since.
To his champions, a vociferous minority, he was a "legendary pianist", little short of the greatest performing artist of the 20th century.
She had come from her native South Africa to study with the legendary pianist and teacher Illona Kabos.
But just how accurately these versions, several technological layers removed from reality, in fact represent the styles of those legendary pianists is grist for separate discussion.
Rene Paulo, Hawaii's legendary pianist who studied at Juilliard School of Music in New York City is an active member there.