That legendary master of control who was going to tease her beyond endurance and shatter her defenses?
Musashi seeks In'ei, the old and legendary master of the school, whom he does not know has retired.
Of the plot, the reviewer commented: "As a prolific novelist, King is a legendary master of suspense.
Patterson received instruction from many legendary masters in the martial arts.
He has also performed on Japanese television alongside the legendary modern master of mime, Marcel Marceau.
Aladdin, the legendary master of the Genie in the lamp.
Tue Trung became a legendary master often referred to in Buddhist lectures and literature.
Zhang Sanfeng, the legendary master.
A burst of laughter from the band, for Mr. Puente was the legendary master of the timbales, a pair of drums on a tripod.
His martial arts are an eclectic mix of the numerous skills he gains under the tutelage of several legendary masters.