The legend above her reads: "The right-wing fanatics have picked their next target."
Damned Jerina, who used to throw her lovers into the deep well inside the walls, built it, the legend reads.
The legend around the edge of the seal reads in Renaissance capitals:
The point was raised that the legend should have read "In München".
He caught up her wrist, read the legend on her bracelet.
Those are the way legends read, but these don't come until generations after the events, which is after eyewitnesses have died off.
"My father left at dawn" reads the eloquent legend at the film's end.
The legend reads: "I shot myself because I loved you.
A legend over the sculpture reads, in part, "We must not let what happened then erase us of the reality of today."
"Suzanne marveled at the fact that she was still single," reads the legend beneath it.