The legends of the Church of Our Lady of Light connects both.
The legend of Jack o'Legs connected to the village of Weston, and explained on a signpost in the village green.
The other legends regarding the origin connect Vishnu, Krishna and Mahavira.
Like other American tales of banshees, this legend does not connect her to any particular death (aside, perhaps, from her own).
The legend connects the sound with the mysterious extinction of the Pascagoula Tribe of Indians.
A well-known legend connects the tower with the last queen of Kazan.
Local legend connects the fort with King Arthur, and it is claimed that Guinevere, Arthur's queen, was imprisoned here for a short time.
Many legends of Vietnam connect closely to the turtle.
These legends he connected to the description of the inhabitants of Greater Ireland as being white who carried poles.
A legend connects the settlement's name to an Armenian patriarch named Arbak.