In 1979, Seberg had "a form of marriage" to Ahmed Hasni while separated from her legally wed husband.
Ethan and Theresa finally wed legally in the series finale.
Ethan and Theresa were ultimately legally wed in the last moments of the series finale.
Perhaps his acceptance of the bribe might not be so egregious if his lordship agreed to legally wed her ladyship.
At least you can take comfort in the fact that your father is now legally wed to your mother.
On April 1, they repeated the ceremony to make sure they were legally wed in Manhattan's Supreme Court.
They are married in August 2007, but Alistair's return from the dead makes the marriage invalid; they are legally wed in the series finale.
If the country where you plan marry will consider you legally wed, then your marriage will be considered legal in the United States too.
Once she and Amos were legally wed, they would have a lifetime to explore the physicality of their love.
You're going to get harassed enough if we're legally wed!