In answer to various questions we have received on this: We are constantly working on finishing the paperwork to legally request donations in all 50 states.
Prior to the War, slave owners could legally request their return (as property) under the federal Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.
Adding to the confusion were questions over whether the United States can legally request Mr. Alexander's extradition from Namibia.
And Conrad, with this Guard as my witness, I do hereby legally request your presence at Skyhook Station at the top of the Gravittoir, there to travel to Bubble Hood, for rendezvous with your ship.
Google Docs and other servers began to receive download requests for documents needed to legally request permission for new protests.
Shortly before coming to Brussels, Mr. Zlenko submitted a letter to NATO's Secretary General, Manfred Worner, requesting legally binding security guarantees for Ukraine, senior State Department officials said.
Most Taxis legally request a deposit prior to commencing a journey.