Many hedge funds, legally limited to 99 investors, are closed.
Current members cannot match his legislative longevity because they are legally limited to two consecutive four-year terms.
But at the time of the crash, he was still legally limited to flying in conditions where he could see around him.
Count Vorkosigan's personal guard was legally limited to a ceremonial twenty men, but given his political position their function included very practical security.
In short, can government be limited legally and effectively by any method short of force?
In order to maintain a quieter, more rural atmosphere, residential lots are legally limited to a minimum size of 1 acre.
In the UK betting is legally limited to certain games such as cribbage or dominoes, played for small stakes.
Freedom of movement of Russian citizens around the country is legally limited in a number of situations including:
Accordingly, the content of each pack of paracetamol was legally limited to 8 g at the beginning of the 1980s.
According to Austin, the sovereign could not be legally limited, 'supreme power limited by positive law is a flat contradiction in terms' he states.