Perata obtained a concealed weapons permit to legally carry a loaded handgun in public.
Since citizens legally carrying firearms make those areas safer, firearms restrictions are counterproductive.
Theoretically, that would have meant you could legally carry a weapon like a knife past the shops and arcades, but not a skateboard.
He is legally carrying his biological father's name (Benito) because his mother registered him this way including his siblings.
Only law enforcement officers may legally carry or possess pepper spray.
In many (but not all) other states, pepper spray can be purchased at various stores and carried legally by anyone over 18.
Not even a court officer, who had a uniform and legally carried a .38, ever did such a thing.
The Oilers said Alm was a gun collector and was legally carrying the shotgun in his car.
In addition, legally carried guns were banned from its campuses - the first university in Israel to do so.
The Defiant is the first Starfleet ship to legally carry a cloaking device.