"We wouldn't do anything that we're not legally authorized to do," he said.
South Africa was the only country where they were legally authorized as standard treatment but they are no longer available.
The young man was thrilled by the elevator in the store, which was legally authorized to carry exactly five passengers.
In the interview, General Cedras said the military was not legally authorized to sign international agreements of any kind.
Most of these programs (91%) were legally authorized to operate; 38.2% were managed by their local health authorities.
They said they had received consent for the operation from a family member legally authorized to give it.
All of these aliens are legally authorized to leave and re-enter the United States.
At this moment, they are legally authorized to do so.
Every witness coming before any forum legally authorized to obtain information might voice a similar fear.
Various ministries are legally authorized to ban or confiscate books and works of art upon obtaining a court order.