Privacy experts say such a legalistic interpretation of the privacy policy is at best misleading because, in practice, almost all contact from the sites has been by e-mail.
Another was a result of Canning's legalistic interpretation of the laws surrounding the transfer.
The trend from the 13th century onward was toward a more legalistic interpretation of fasting.
Several major churches today believe that rules for divorce should be set to best advance Jesus's overarching goals of love and justice, rather than a legalistic interpretation of his words.
A legalistic interpretation of "reveal"?
"But the Security Council must in return make a positive step toward the softening of sanctions against Iraq in keeping with a fair and legalistic interpretation of the Council's resolutions," he said.
Panel member Barry Davidson also disagreed with an "opportunistic and legalistic" interpretation of the code that they were compliant.
The party protested the decision, citing an unduly legalistic interpretation of election regulations.
The court should thus give effect to the rules wherever possible, while at the same time seeking to avoid legalistic interpretation, particularly if this produces arbitrary or irrational results.
And because the foundational document is often ambiguous and contradictory - retributive one minute, intoxicatingly poetic the next - it is, like the Bible, ripe for legalistic interpretation.