This drive comes as the two more established houses face protracted legal travails linked to charges of conspiring to fix commission fees.
Today his biggest practice is in what he refers to as the "topless industry," representing 20 strip-club owners in their various legal travails.
But during his legal travails, Taro became the focus of animal rights advocates, and his plight seemed to capture the imagination of the public.
Did he crave a respite from his legal travails?
But Mr. Milken's legal travails may be far from over.
Behind the story of Mr. Banno's legal travails, there is a personal one.
In 1930, before his legal travails, Sangor, in another business venture, had begun a decade of publishing racy magazines for men.
He blamed a "runaway train of innuendo" in the news media for his legal travails.
In the midst of her legal travail, Monica Lewinsky turned down a request to be part of the show.
He takes his media, marital, filial and legal travails seriously throughout "The Eminem Show."