The Skyway's official name, referring to it as a "toll bridge" rather than a "toll road", is the result of a legal quirk.
Therefore, critics argue, the referendum will be decided less on a discussion of the issues than on a legal quirk.
Mr. Hynes has an unlisted number and could not be reached for comment on this legal quirk he seems to have unfurled for us.
Some of the legal writing quirks found in form books, which are basically collections of model legal documents, can be traced to centuries-old mistakes.
This tale of a lawsuit (Massachusetts householders vs. industrial polluters) is most disquieting when it suggests that legal quirks and personalities determine who, if anyone, is compensated.
In Washington, Congress is considering ending a legal quirk that lets fund managers escape much of the income tax on their earnings.
By a legal quirk, however, clergymen operating in the Fleet could not effectively be proceeded against, and the clandestine marriage business there carried on.
By the end, "A Civil Action" shows that the compensation the Woburn families received was determined mainly by random legal quirks and the personalities of the lawyers and judges involved.
Due to a legal quirk, the stretch of the canal from Lock 1E to Queen St Bridge was not included in the original abandonment of the canal.