These words, found in legal phrases like incidental damages and substantive due process, are not antonyms.
It's just a sort of legal phrase, I suppose, but it could mean something real.
Feverishly I start to scan the contract, only half taking in the legal phrases.
"Public execution" is a legal phrase, defined by the laws of various states, and carried out pursuant to a court order.
A beautiful phrase, meaningless, of course, but typically legal.
I could not but note the quaint legal phrase which she used in such a place, and with all seriousness.
The title of the book is based on the legal phrase "clear and present danger".
Maybe you can look at it and tell me what it means; I don't understand all those legal phrases they use.
No trouble at all except a big medicine talk, and a heap of legal phrases that I don't sabe very clear.
As the legal phrase puts it, you must tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.