The fact is that most students already know a good deal about the legal and health perils of crack and other drugs.
Richard Blumenthal, the attorney general of Connecticut, concurred, asserting that "anyone associated with this industry is in legal peril."
He said they were concerned that the death penalty law would be put into legal peril if it were enforced in different ways around the state.
The lawyers, who discussed the grand jury's options on the condition of anonymity, said these two men appear to be in the most legal peril.
(posted 11/22) Texaco 's PR troubles eased, while its legal peril deepened.
You'd do better to find a way to pursue this worthy goal without violating your company's database policy and thus putting the company and you in legal peril.
That means, basically, that Mr. Fornes knew he faced legal peril by talking to the priest.
MANY business owners are aware of the legal and financial perils of sexual harassment in the workplace and have taken steps to help prevent it.
Meeting this ethical obligation may put you in legal peril, and you should be fully aware of your own risks and legal obligations.
Beyond the legal peril, such testimony appears to accomplish little in the long run, lawyers said.