The hard part was navigating the financial and legal minefield.
I guess it really is a lot of work (plus sorting out the legal minefield) to do that, with little benefit to the company.
The area of fathers' rights, she said, has become a legal minefield.
Evidently, a political and legal minefield has been opened.
However, it also highlights the ludicrous extent to which legislation has made working in the arts a needlessly complex legal minefield.
But for the unwary the process remains a legal minefield.
Hong Kong's immigration policies have been a legal minefield since the territory returned to Chinese rule in 1997.
It is a tempting idea, but it is a legal minefield in a number of countries.
At the moment it seems as though airlines flying to the United States are working in a legal minefield.
I think the British Government will find that it has blundered into a very difficult legal minefield.