Democrats have asked the Bush administration to provide legal memorandums he wrote while a Justice Department official.
Like the legal memorandums, the decision to go beyond the field manual was based on the ground that the Geneva Conventions did not apply.
Why has it classified the legal memorandums on which the surveillance is based?
The mailer was based on a legal memorandum prepared by lawyers for the trade group.
The documents include several emails and legal memoranda from city officials.
He was hired by the exchange to prepare a legal memorandum on the Government's anticipated use of the law.
"Substantial uncertainties and contingencies continue to surround the program," the company wrote in a legal memorandum.
The Administration's position was set out last Nov. 26 in a legal memorandum that has not had the attention it deserves.
The legal memorandum also serves as record of the research done for a given legal question.
These pleadings are usually accompanied by legal memoranda and briefs.