It now appears that at least three soldiers, including Mr. Green, raped her, according to a legal memo filed by a military magistrate.
While working as a lawyer for the Reagan administration, Roberts wrote legal memos defending administration policies on abortion.
At his nomination hearing Roberts testified that the legal memos represented the views of the administration he was representing at the time and not necessarily his own.
Judge Roberts waved away questions about troubling statements in his older legal memos, saying he was just a staff lawyer in his 20's when he wrote them.
This includes Treasury Counsel issuing a legal memo documenting the review of your Fund's legislative investment authority.
Shortly after joining Gibson Dunn, Mr. Muckenfuss said, he was retained by the firm to "give legal advice and a legal memo" on an unrelated banking matter.
A legal memo dated Dec. 28, 1994, lists Cubicle 113 as empty.
ACORN's executive committee voted unanimously to remove the two, "because their actions-such as releasing a confidential legal memo to the press-were damaging the organization."
"Some people have prepared legal memos and sent them anonymously."
A ratification package will require a legal memo going through the analysis on whether a ratification complies with law on ratifications of unauthorized commitments.