This led to a number of erroneous legal judgements where innocent people received the death penalty because they were not able to verbally defend themselves at trials.
It is a source of public legal information relating to legal judgements and rulings in Malawi.
"You're supposed to make all sorts of rules and decisions and legal judgements," Zoe said.
In many cases an Islamic court or a religious leader, an alim must pronounce a fatwa (legal judgement) of takfir against an individual or group.
It did not mention the Lindh case by name but it questioned her legal judgement.
It is believed to be the world's first legal judgement that defines a summons posted on Facebook as legally binding.
A subsequent legal judgement was upheld by three member British Court of Appeal on 12 August 2009, thus allowing the process to be implemented.
It is also likely that ogham could have had a role in recording trading transactions and legal judgements of various kinds.