Now a commission of Lithuania's parliament lays the legal groundwork for secession from the Soviet Union.
This treaty provided the legal groundwork for persecution of the Anabaptists.
Most legal groundwork for a national program is in place.
He accused the police and the state prosecutor of laying legal groundwork for curtailing freedom of expression.
"But the more we talked about it, it became clear the legal groundwork was there to make it work."
The two men should work together to lay the legal and political groundwork for extraditing Mr. Milosevic.
The case laid some of the legal groundwork for the Brown decision four years later.
I met with a fellow who has done the legal groundwork to establish a nonprofit national defense fund for me.
This report is not merely a step towards establishing the legal groundwork for setting up a research infrastructure.
It also provides the legal groundwork for the new signs pointing travelers to those trails.