Traditional Orientals insisted on legal exemptions, allowing them to keep most of the ancient customs and laws.
Employees working more than 40 hours a week are generally entitled to overtime pay under federal law, unless they fall under specific legal exemptions.
So far, each company has filed only a request for certain legal exemptions, but not a registration statement.
I remember that marriage is a legal exemption.
You were the only legal exemption I could get!
And needle-exchange supporters say they are confident they can win the legal exemption.
When founded, Insite acquired legal exemption under the condition that its impacts be thoroughly evaluated.
Generally, though, Sweden offers few legal exemptions for religious practice.
It is my intention to release every part of every paper of interest subject only to legal exemptions.
Since France laid a huge amount of emphasis on legal exemption at the time, it was damaged by concessions in agricultural policy.