The parties came to an agreement and, because of this, A View to a Kill is the first 007 film with a legal disclaimer inserted.
He continued to hedge on the issue of church responsibility, even adding a legal disclaimer many found offensive.
He was allowed to resume publication with a legal disclaimer.
The legal disclaimer at the end of each episode notes, "The persons in this film are not real... duh.
Thank you for visiting our Website and reviewing our privacy and security notice and legal disclaimers.
You pause, cradling the receiver, suddenly wondering: Is that just a legal disclaimer, or are there other important factors?
The patent office intended none of this, either - someone forgot to require the correct legal disclaimers during nearly six years of patent review.
Some restaurants have added legal disclaimers to their menus, warning against eating undercooked eggs, or have chosen not to offer the dish at all.
Bonus: Is there a long legal disclaimer at the bottom of my email?
( see travel advice legal disclaimer )