This supposed legal deposition was dated five days before Florence's death.
Mr. Clinton, who at first denied a relationship, later said in a legal deposition that he had spent a single night with her.
Treat this as a legal deposition.
The last time anyone asked Tom Twetten in public how he made a living, in a 1987 legal deposition, his reply consumed half a page.
Giles ultimately received $32,000 before parting ways with Breitbart over what she described in legal depositions as "a conflict of visions."
As if the characters were expert witnesses giving legal depositions, each one summarizes the most complex incidents in a few short sentences.
But leaving aside campaign speeches, legal depositions and recent addresses to Congress, up until now no American president has ever published fiction.
If she doesn't want it, I have to get a legal deposition to that effect so that others down the list can benefit from the legacy.
The above particulars were subsequently proved by the nurses, the carrier, and others who made legal depositions.
"So I cannot appeal for a legal deposition of Antonius."