This simply meant a madman, or in early Irish law, a man not in control of his functions and hence without legal culpability.
But he said that it would be unfortunate if legal culpability for Enron's collapse began and ended with Arthur Andersen.
Pending further investigations, legal culpability was uncertain. called on Congress to censure Mr. Clinton before moving on, acknowledging the president's moral culpability while distinguishing it from legal culpability.
Unless his friends come forth and accept their legal culpability, Lewis will surely hang.
If I fail it'll be no affair of his, but if I succeed, there won't be any talk of my legal culpability, either.
But, to judge the moral and legal culpability of a child by reference to the understanding and life experience of an adult is irrational and, therefore, unfair.
But that conclusion, he noted, did not necessarily imply legal culpability for murder.
Resolving Officer Sullivan's legal culpability doesn't begin to answer all the questions of this tragedy.
What is the legal culpability for sending ordinary students onto a field with scholarship athletes?