While the Italians emphasize that their legal clout is minimal, their request seems carefully timed.
ISPs can say what they want, but that won't give it any legal clout.
The clubs do have some legal clout.
Putting a place on the list of endangered sites carries no legal or financial clout but often touches off a public debate about development projects, trust officials said.
The club denied everything and had the legal clout to back them up so in the end we and our neighbors had to pay thousands of dollars to have public water brought to our property.
The controls that govern a homeowner's association carry powerful legal clout.
The Doolings dont have a lot of money for legal clout - the business grossed only $32,000 last year - but, being Montanans, they've decided to fight back.
Furthermore, they say that even with the legal clout, the program has failed to lure a significant number of blacks into construction.
Prior to 1979, black trade unions had had no legal clout in dealings with employers.
The agencies would have legal clout that they do not enjoy now, but a perceived infringement on their bailiwicks has made them wary of the plan.