In addition, the founders/board of a private foundation have complete control over where its giving goes within broad legal bounds.
"If he's within the legal bounds of Major League Baseball, it shouldn't taint him at all."
Some sand wedge faces are made rougher, within legal bounds, by incorporating diamonds and other materials.
If a cell "requires penetration, within legal bounds, it will be done," he said.
Mr. Gregory said the guards did not overstep legal bounds.
Relf's open transactions were always kept within legal bounds; his secret ones were never revealed.
I have a general thought on this whole problem of enforcement divisions over-stepping their legal bounds.
It is often practiced outside legal bounds, and is thus mostly undertaken at night-time.
It also has named parks and reserves either within or linked in the legal bounds of the land designated as the trail:
In most societies and legal jurisdictions, there are legal bounds on what sexual behavior is permitted.