Even his legal adversaries say they have been impressed by his calm-headed legal acumen.
In some ways the veteran, Augustine Betancourt, 33, is an unlikely legal adversary.
Even Mr. Brewington's legal adversaries speak highly of him.
But Merrill's legal adversaries see at least a tacit acknowledgment of responsibility in the settlement.
Civil contempt orders require that that they be executed by the sheriff's office, another longtime legal adversary of Legal Aid lawyers.
The irony of Mr. Shiner's new position is not lost on his former legal adversaries.
He had to be the Ice-Cold Ogilvie his legal adversaries feared.
The two principal legal adversaries in the case well exemplify the two worlds.
Since then, Mr. Cuomo said, he has been dogged by innuendo and has become an easy target for legal adversaries.
Indeed, the trend has played a crucial role in driving the once intractable industry into negotiations for a global settlement with regulators and its legal adversaries.