The thing was drifting in towards the Hub feet first, its legs slowly retracting, drawing into its body.
The qheuen's legs retracted, leaving only the armored claws exposed.
Its round body flattened, the legs retracted; it hunkered down, patient.
Ground crew had just removed the safety locking pin when the leg retracted.
Now someone was busily at work making sure that at least one leg on this machine would never retract.
The legs retracted toward the body and disappeared.
I felt my legs retract spasmodically beneath the table; it was Robinson.
The leg retracted, then swung up and round, until the foot slammed into the soldier's left temple.
Lummox had been lying with his legs retracted, exhibiting the timeless patience which he could muster when necessary.
The arms and legs retracted slightly, because she was smaller than the Deltan.