The sari impeded the smooth flow of her leg motion.
It was very lively, lots of locals who work on the medical side reveling in their provocative dance, all hip and leg motions.
Cube turned and did the leg swinging motion facing her corner, who was Rhythm.
Motion may also be nongaited, which means the sequence of leg motions is not fixed, but rather chosen by the computer in response to the sensed environment.
Ellipticals produce an intermediate range of leg motion between that of stationary bikes and treadmills.
Suzuki eliminated his leg motion because the pitches were faster.
The original model for passive dynamics is based on human and animal leg motions.
The leg motion during the thrust involves an expanding angle between legs and trunk that develops angular momentum in the legs.
The body goes almost parallel to the ice in the air, with a scissoring leg motion.
As you walk, your hands grasp poles that move in conjunction with your leg motion.