All wore leg holsters with .45 Clocks.
Cobra Commander (second version, Hooded, gold buckle outline on leg holster)
I pushed my hand under the sniper suit to get hold of the Beretta 9mm that was on a leg holster against my right thigh.
Janeway shifted in her seat as if she were about to pull a phaser from a leg holster.
His body stooped briefly, his hand swooped down, snatched the small gun from the leg holster.
He swabbed the barrel of the little Mauser, reassembled it, and added a shell to the small clip, slipped the gun back into the leg holster.
He generally uses an automatic pistol (with a backup in a leg holster in case his original turns on him).
The victim had $18 in his pockets, four gold chains and other jewelry and a .22-caliber gun in a leg holster.
He saw the floor boss reaching down, and the Executioner knew the man was dipping toward a leg holster.
Next came a long, thin blade from the back of his jacket, a needle-gun from a leg holster, and a boot knife.