And some unspeakable little vermin had found their way into my leg hair.
However, this wax can rip leg hair off the surfer when he is sitting on the board waiting for waves.
For a variety of reasons, people may shave their leg hair, including cultural practice or individual needs.
The smell of burning pants and leg hair was some improvement.
Forget the shaving myth: Nothing you do to your leg hair on the outside changes how it grows from the inside.
Otherwise, every detail was there, right down to individual leg hairs and tiny scars imitating those often seen on living insects.
He was on the swim team and didn't have any leg hair anyway.
And the leg hairs themselves were tiny, tight curls.
I don't know about European girls, but ours don't have leg hair.
It is a common practice for professional and amateur road cyclists to remove leg hair for a number of reasons.