Latterly Smothers experienced health problems, and had both legs amputated due to diabetes.
In the course of his wanderings all his teeth are extracted, an eye is removed and a leg amputated.
He was hospitalised, and his legs amputated.
The count was seriously injured and died shortly afterward, after having both legs amputated.
One Israeli 8 year-old had his leg amputated in a rocket attack.
Soon afterwards, he was forced to give up performing, and had both legs amputated owing to circulatory problems.
Santo later had both his legs amputated, because of complications caused by his diabetes.
Both legs frozen and amputated at the Five Fingers.
During the later years of his life, Dr. Shadid suffered from diabetes, resulting in having both legs amputated.
Humphreys suffered from strokes for many months and had both legs amputated because of complications.