For years, he struggled against the follicular grain to part it on the right and conceded only when his wife and agent suggested a leftward shift.
This in turn lowers people's incomes-and saving, causing a leftward shift in the S line in the diagram (step B).
Conversely, a lower P50 indicates a leftward shift and a higher affinity.
Temperature does not have such a dramatic effect compared to the previous factors, but hyperthermia causes a rightward shift, while hypothermia causes a leftward shift.
This causes a leftward shift in the curve as methaemoglobin does not unload O2 from Hb.
This shortage, equivalent to a leftward shift in the market's supply curve, results in high prices.
A leftward shift; The Shadow managed the second clamp.
The greater the leftward shift in the emotional set point, the larger the increase in the immune measure.
This has provoked a leftward shift throughout the region, most conspicuously in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Uruguay.
Politicization of working people led to the leftward shift of the political spectrum.