The leftover space can be used for another book or for sound effects and fancy animated graphics.
Small galleries were carved from the leftover space on the main floor, including the vault.
"The Beaumont had its very important relationship with the plaza outside, and the library got leftover space," he said.
Many of the demos on the disk were specifically written in order to fill up the leftover space.
On the road, life is stripped to the basics: the game, and a tiny leftover space that might be called "not the game."
"If they want Class A space it becomes a problem unless a particular building has leftover space."
With the right design, you can even have leftover space.
The leftover square space in the table's middle, a solid black color, served as the area where the dice were cast.
They made something out of nothing: voids, gaps and leftover spaces.
You can use the leftover space for storage, and that's about it.