The bottom row is of course just the first six powers of two, but notice that the leftmost column has the next five powers of two.
"11+" in the leftmost column can only be "5,6"
In the following table, the leftmost column lists the route of administration.
Although g is in principle a two dimensional matrix, it can be computed in a column by column fashion starting from the leftmost column.
The leftmost column indicates the AD year assigned by Schwartz.
The leftmost column says Proto, and that's short for protocol.
If more than one player selects a tile in that row, then the player whose tile is in the leftmost column (closest to 1) goes first.
Some Japanese crosswords are numbered from top to bottom down each column, starting with the leftmost column and proceeding right.
For instance, the leftmost two columns constitute the 's-block'.
The leftmost column is column 0 an the top of the screen is row 0.