Red Mole was a "revolutionary internationalist" paper that carried a broad range of left-wing opinion in its pages, including a famous interview with John Lennon.
His articles often offer criticism of left-wing opinion and the "liberal consensus", sometimes incorporating hyperbole, sarcasm and parody.
He joined the editorial committee of New Frontier (1936-38), a journal of left-wing opinion and culture, and contributed essays and verse.
She is well known for her left-wing political opinions.
The political opinions ranged from everything from anarchism and communism to less clearly pronounced general left-wing opinions.
She lived openly with a woman widely assumed to have been her lover, wore men's trousers and aired unfashionably left-wing opinions that scandalized the fan magazines.
A certain trend in left-wing opinion is very unhappy at the idea that they cannot entirely monopolise the media.
The aim of these extreme right-wing organisations is to support nationalism and racism, and intimidate non-nationals and anyone with left-wing opinions.
First, he was known for left-wing political opinions on the etiology of crime.
Both his parents were communists and Smith adopted left-wing opinions himself.