The first group had a stronger left-wing ideology whereas the second was more pragmatic.
But even the New Left relied on radical democratic traditions rather than left-wing ideology.
Only in recent years, Maradona has shown sympathy to left-wing ideologies.
The literature prize has in recent years often gone to writers with left-wing ideologies.
The liberal opposite of economic neoliberalism is modern liberalism, the corresponding left-wing ideology.
I'd say Ed, because I find him to be the right combinaton of "likely to win" and left-wing ideology.
In France, nationalism was originally a left-wing and Republican ideology.
In the 2008 election, Harris said that he was not aligned with either a right-wing or left-wing ideology.
What you have delivered is unfortunately an ideological wish list, a shopping list of left-wing ideologies.
Today's left-wing ideology is completely blind to issues of religious freedom in different parts of the world.