Here are 10 jobs that frequently leave workers in need of medical attention - and some of the statistics may surprise you.
Presciently, they saw the plan as leaving workers to bargain with themselves, an obvious conflict.
And too often it leaves workers facing insecure prospects.
That leaves workers as the only true source of competitive advantage.
This leaves fewer workers for each retired person.
Part-time staff have the same entitlement to leave as full-time workers.
The country can cut benefits at a time when joblessness is rising and leave relatively unskilled workers to fend for themselves.
Without any doubt, this leaves domestic workers in a precarious position, and very often they have to rely on the goodwill of employers.
Mary had started the work here and then left native workers to carry on.
Without a cost-of-living raise, the declining value of the dollar would leave workers with less real money in their pockets.