Several cities in India were seeing unrest and demonstrations demanding more positive action from the government - although precisely what action was left unspecified.
However, Alvinite tenets are left unspecified in the story.
The' other details'in the rule, which were left unspecified above, are to help best-rule to make a good choice of rule.
Officials confirmed the offer yesterday, but only on a short-term basis, which was left unspecified.
The specific issues and activities that dominate groups' work are left unspecified in the model, since groups' historical paths are expected to vary.
It is a world where Federal regulations have left much unspecified.
But the most sensitive section concerns the status of American forces and the limits on their actions, which were left unspecified.
I-Ic has talents that are best left unspecified.
Exactly when these adjusted figures would be calculated and used was left unspecified.
This work, whose instrumentation Bach left unspecified, is seen as his testament to fugal writing and contrapuntal practice.