The recent spate of upbeat economic news had left traders edgy and reluctant to take major positions, they said.
Recently the person in charge of the checkpoint near Rava-Ruska was moved to another town, leaving traders to wonder whether a crackdown is imminent.
The reason is that his victory will leave traders with several ways to interpret the data.
But they provided few clues of their own, leaving traders buzzing over what had happened in their midst.
On several occasions, he described the swings in exchange rates as "brutal," which left traders scratching their heads.
The dollar dropped yesterday, leaving traders wondering if the four-week rally were running out of steam.
Others, however, especially smaller companies involved in elementary and secondary schools, have left traders with their heads in their hands.
After leaving supplies and traders in the newly created outpost on the Columbia, the ship and crew traveled north to Nootka Sound.
Major retail chains have bypassed the town, leaving just small independent traders and public houses.
It happened just minutes after the end of a slow summer trading day, leaving traders and the exchanges more than 16 hours to regroup and reopen this morning.