When Wolfskill died, the land was left to his heirs.
Patrick Rodgers died in 1891 leaving the ranch to his heirs.
The clause leaving the property to their joint heirs in the event.
It would be left to his heirs, however, to see this promise through to its completion following Fairbanks' death in 1924.
Still, he was to leave a substantial legacy to his heirs.
They could invest these accounts in stocks or bonds and leave them to their heirs.
They may also save for general reasons such as for a "rainy day" or to leave money to their heirs.
If there were one to fill I should be content to leave that to you and your heirs.
I'm not going to leave any money to my heirs.
More importantly to many older people, such planning allows them to leave money to their heirs that would otherwise be depleted for health care.