They have left students from low income homes in serious poverty.
As it is, I fear we leave many students behind with neither abstract nor particular.
Why else schedule a meeting with all teaching staff for 10am, leaving students to entertain themselves?
The university only had 7,000 seats to offer which left 5,000 students to stand during Kennedy's half-hour speech.
Real leadership is standing up and saying that we're not going to leave students in failing schools.
That left 178,000 students on an extended summer vacation, and many of their parents scrambling to find child care.
"Income for most American families has stagnated, leaving students and their parents with little choice but to turn to loans."
The school had a very limited heating system, leaving students forced to wear jackets into class.
Are we leaving top students behind by not tracking the 'talented tenth'?
The maze of college admissions processes leaves many students looking for help from professional planning services.