Few give their names and most leave silently shaking their heads.
Many visitors who flocked downtown to the 225,000-square-foot structure, just across the street from the city's new arts complex, left shaking their heads.
Like a national television audience and the people fortunate enough to stick around, he left shaking his head.
Remo waved the money at them and they left shaking their heads.
I left shaking my head, too, but not out of exasperation.
But Jordan was the reason the Nets left shaking their heads.
It was a shocking crime, which leaves us all shaking our heads and wondering why these kids would do what they did.
What she found left her shaking and swearing under her breath.
Two more astronomers had come in, looked at the plates, and left shaking their heads.
Another day, he told them they could not leave before shaking hands.