In addition, experts say the greater mobility of society leaves fewer relatives in a position to care for the disabled.
It's little wonder that this has left relatives such as Judith, a 50-year-old administrator, feeling "very uneasy".
He left his family and relatives behind in Massachusetts and joined the 49ers on their way to California.
The Baron died in 1986, leaving no offspring or other known relatives.
Many had not written home for weeks, others had left friends and relatives with bitter words.
Jim saves him just in time, but at the cost of his own life, leaving friends and relatives remembering him as "a swell guy."
If they go to the market or to trade at the border they have to leave behind relatives in the camps.
She leaves behind her many many dear relatives and friends.
Seven maids testified in February 1986 that they were never paid, allowed no days off and not permitted to leave or contact relatives.
On April 8, 1974, at the age of 45 he left home and relatives in quest of spiritual perfection.