When the tunnel behind him collapsed, Drugar and what was left of his army turned to face their foe.
They eliminated what was left of Asperamanka's once great army.
So the War- lock Lord had collected what was left of his army and withdrawn to his present position.
He was walking through the camp, surveying what was left of Tuan's army.
Yuan Shao himself fled north across the Yellow River with only about 800 cavalry, which was what was left of his army.
Hidalgo and what was left of his army were caught in the state of Coahuila at the Wells of Baján.
It was near midnight when they landed amid the dispirited mob that was what was left of Stancia's army.
And to do both, he was going to use some of the other talents of what was left of his army of thieves and murderers.
Otto the Great and those left of his army, were spared by the Magyars and they were released from captivity at no cost.
What was left of its army survived in small clusters that were cut off from all command and control.